Fate or Us?kleeJun 11, 20191 min read世上那么多人,可偏偏遇上你。是命中注定!能不能终成眷属,是人为还是天意?—So many people in the world,And we met.It's destiny!It is a good relationship or bad, Is decide by us or fate?
世上那么多人,可偏偏遇上你。是命中注定!能不能终成眷属,是人为还是天意?—So many people in the world,And we met.It's destiny!It is a good relationship or bad, Is decide by us or fate?
No time x rush匆匆忙忙还是悠闲自在? 为什么人类要那么匆忙? 就像幻灯片那样一眨一眨地过日子, 来不及欣赏; 来不及品尝; 不记得昨天, 不记得刚刚, 不记得今年怎么消耗了。。。 没有时间,没有日期的生活会怎样? 虽然我不太想过原始人的身后。但,猫的生活,我好像可以考虑🤔️
Shooting star流行之所以让人回忆, 因为它在人毫无准备的情况下突然出现: 又在人还来不及好好欣赏的时候就消失了。 很多话来不及说; 很多事来不及消化; 我想,遗憾就是人生吧。教导我们如何去享受当下,去沟通,去分享。 The reason shooting star makes...
Who are weIf our body reacts to external forces, it’s because cells receive the information and transfer it to the brain, leading our body to...